In Memoriam
In 2021 the Lodge lost one its long-time members Dean L Quigley. Dean was the cornerstone of this Lodge and always had a joke and a warm handshake to all he encountered. In the last few years, the Lodge decided to make use of Deans vast knowledge and wisdom and made him honorary Mentor of the Lodge, so that new members as well as existing members could benefit from him. He was Master of the Lodge several times as well as District Deputy of the Grand Master for District 7 as well as holding several other positions and was on numerous Grand Lodge committees. In honor of Dean the Lodge has changed its name to honor our most devoted member of the Craft. So from now and in perpetuity we will be known as The Dean LeClare Quigley Lodge at Mercer Island #297 F & AM of Washington
Our Vision
Freemasons of Washington will be recognized as a relevant and respected Fraternity, committed to attracting and retaining all men of high quality who strive for self improvement and the opportunity to make a positive difference in their community
Our History
Why wasThe Dean LeClare Quigley Lodge at Mercer Island #297 founded? How did the organization develop and how is it still developing? Find out more about our history.
Who is behind The Dean LeClare Quigley Lodge at Mercer Island #297? Who are its leaders? Take a peek behind the scenes. Meet our supporters.
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